Hazel Jenkins

PhD, MChir, MAppSci (Medical Imaging), BMedSci

Senior Lecturer, Department of Chiropractic, Macquarie University

Email: hazel.jenkins@mq.edu.au

X: @hjenk001

Research Profile: Hazel Jenkins

ResearchGate: Hazel Jenkins


Research interests and skills

  • Implementation of evidence into clinical practice, with a focus on low back pain management.

  • The use of imaging in the management of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction.


Ongoing research

  • Long-term effectiveness of non-surgical treatments for chronic low back pain: systematic review and meta-analysis

  • Effectiveness of implementing cognitive functional therapy: cluster randomised controlled trial

  • Curriculum competency standards for chiropractic education


research publications

Roseen, E. J., McNaughton, D. T., Harrison, S., Downie, A. S., Øverås, C. K., Nim, C. G., Jenkins, H. J., Young, J. J., Hartvigsen, J., Stone, K. L., Ensrud, K. E., Lee, S., Cawthon, P. M., Fink, H. A. & Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) research group. Association of back pain with all-cause and cause-specific mortality among older men: a cohort study Pain Medicine. 2024 25, 8, p. 505–513 9 p., pnae040.

Augustine, L., Zadro, J., Maher, C., Traeger, A. C., Jones, C., West, C. A., Yang, J., O'Keeffe, M., Jenkins, H., McAuley, J. H. & Ferreira, G. E., Perceptions of advice for acute low back pain: A content analysis of qualitative data collected in a randomised experiment. BMJ Open. 2024 14, 7, 100478.

McNaughton, D. T., Roseen, E. J., Patel, S., Downie, A., Øverås, C. K., Nim, C., Harsted, S., Jenkins, H., Young, J. J., Hartvigsen, J., Wong, J. J., Stone, K. L., Ensrud, K. E., Lee, S., Cawthon, P. M., Fink & Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) LBP research group H. A. Long-term trajectories of low back pain in older men: a prospective cohort study with 10-year analysis of the MrOS Study, Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences. 2024

Searant, I., Brown, B. T. & Jenkins, H. J., Chiropractors' perceptions on the use of spinal radiographs in clinical practice: a qualitative study. Chiropractic & manual therapies. 2024 32, 1, p. 1-12 12 p., 23.

Ayre, J., Kumarage, R., Jenkins, H., McCaffery, K. J., Maher, C. G. & Hancock, M. J. A decision aid for patients considering surgery for sciatica: codesign and user-testing with patients and clinicians. Health Expectations 2024. 27, 3, p. 1-13 13 p., e14111.

Jenkins, H.J., Brown, B.T., O’Keeffe, M. et al. Development of low back pain curriculum content standards for entry-level clinical training. BMC Med Educ 24, 136 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12909-024-05086-x

Abdel Shaheed C, Ivers R, Vizza L, et al. Clinical Observation, Management and Function Of low back pain Relief Therapies (COMFORT): A cluster randomised controlled trial protocol. BMJ Open 2023;13:e075286. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-075286

Jenkins HJ, Downie A, Wong JJ, Young JJ, Roseen EJ, Nim CG, et al. Patient and provider characteristics associated with therapeutic intervention selection in a chiropractic clinical encounter: a cross-sectional analysis of the COAST and O-COAST study data. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2023;31(1).

Ferreira GE, Zadro JR, Traeger AC, Jones C, West CA, O’Keeffe M, Jenkins H, et al. Adding brief pain science or ergonomics messages to guideline advice did not increase feelings of reassurance in people with acute low back pain: a randomised experiment. Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy.0(ja):1-19. 2023

McNaughton DT, Roseen EJ, Downie A, Jenkins H, Øverås CK, Young JJ, Fink HA, Stone KL, Cawthon P, Hartvigsen J. Stressful life events and low back pain in older men: A cross‐sectional and prospective analysis using data from the MrOS study. European Journal of Pain. 2023 Aug 25.

Nim C, Aspinall S, Cook C, Corrêa L, Donaldson M, Downie AS, Harsted S, Hartvigsen J, Jenkins HJ, et al. The effectiveness of spinal manipulative therapy procedures for spine pain: protocol for a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2023;31, 14.

Jenkins HJ, French SD, Young A et al. Feasibility of testing the effectiveness of a theory-informed intervention to reduce imaging for low back pain: a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. Pilot and Feasibility Studies. 2022;8, 249. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40814-022-01216-8

Ayre J, Jenkins H, McCaffery KJ, Maher CG, Hancock MJ. Physiotherapists have some hesitations and unmet needs regarding delivery of exercise programs for low back pain prevention in adults: A qualitative interview study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2022;62

Jenkins HJ, Moloney NA, French SD, Maher CG, Dear BF, Magnussen JS, Hancock MJ. General practitioner experiences using a low back pain management booklet aiming to decrease non-indicated imaging for low back pain. Implementation Science Communications. 2022; 3(1):1-10

Fernandez M, Young A, Kongsted A, Hartvigsen J, Barton C, Wallis J, Kent P, Kawchuk G, Jenkins H, Hancock M, French SD. GLA:D® Back Australia: a mixed methods feasibility study for implementation. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies. 2022;30(1):1-12

Jenkins HJ, Kongsted A, French SD, Jensen TS, Doktor K, Hartvigsen J, Hancock M. Patients with low back pain presenting for chiropractic care who want diagnostic imaging are more likely to receive referral for imaging: a cross-sectional study. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2022;30(1).

Jenkins HJ, Ferreira G, Downie A, Maher C, Buchbinder R, Hancock MJ. The available evidence on the effectiveness of 10 common approaches to the management of non-specific low back pain: An evidence map. European Journal of Pain. 2022;26(7):1399–1411

Jenkins HJ, Kongsted A, French SD, Jensen TS, Doktor K, Hartvigsen J, Hancock M. Reply to the letter to the editor: “What are the effects of diagnostic imaging on clinical outcomes in patients with low back pain presenting for chiropractic care? A matched observational study.” Jenkins et al., Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 2021;2. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2022;30(1).

Witherow JL, Jenkins HJ, Elliott JM, Ip GH, Maher CG, Magnussen JS, et al. Characteristics and Effectiveness of Interventions That Target the Reporting, Communication, or Clinical Interpretation of Lumbar Imaging Findings: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2022;43(3):493-500.

Ayre J, Jenkins H, McCaffery KJ, Maher CG, Hancock MJ. Unique considerations for exercise programs to prevent future low back pain: the patient perspective. Pain. 2021 Nov 15.

Jenkins HJ, Kongsted A, French SD, Jensen TS, Doktor K, Hartvigsen J, et al. What are the effects of diagnostic imaging on clinical outcomes in patients with low back pain presenting for chiropractic care: a matched observational study. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2021;29(1).

Hancock MJ, Maher C, Jarvik JG, Battié MC, Elliott J, Jensen T, Panagopoulos J, Jenkins H, Pardey M, McIntosh J, Magnussen J. Reliability and validity of subjective radiologist reporting of temporal changes in lumbar spine MRI findings. PM&R. 2021 Sep 12.

Simula, A.S., Jenkins, H.J., Hancock, M.J. et al. Patient education booklet to support evidence-based low back pain care in primary care – a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Fam Pract 22, 178 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12875-021-01529-2

Jenkins HJ, Downie AS, Fernandez M, Hancock MJ. Decreasing thoracic hyperkyphosis–which treatments are most effective? A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice. 2021 Aug 5:102438.

Parthipan S, Bowles C, de Luca K, Jenkins H. The association between guideline adherent radiographic imaging by chiropractic students and the diagnostic yield of clinically significant findings. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association. 2021 Apr;65(1):66.

Simula AS, Jenkins HJ, Holopainen R, Oura P, Korniloff K, Häkkinen A, Takala E-P, Hancock MJ, Karppinen J. Transcultural adaption and preliminary evaluation of "understanding low back pain" patient education booklet. BMC Health Services Research. 2019 19(11): 1010

Hobbs M, Crafford D, MacRae K, Hulme A, Whillier S, Jenkins H. The usefulness of a novel patient management decision aid to improve clinical decision-making skills in final year chiropractic students. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2019;27(1):55

Downie A, Hancock M, Jenkins H, Buchbinder R, Harris I, Underwood M, Goergen S, Maher C. How common is imaging for low back pain in primary and emergency care? Systematic review and meta-analysis of over 4 million imaging requests across 21 years. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2019

Kawchuk G, Goertz C, Axen I, Descarreaux M, French S, Haas M, Hartvigsen J, Kolberg C, Jenkins H, Peterson C, Taylor J. Letter to the editor re: Oakley PA, Cuttler JM, Harrison DE. X-ray imaging is essential for contemporary chiropractic and manual therapy spinal rehabilitation: radiography increases benefits and reduces risks. Dose Response. 2018; 16(4)

Jenkins HJ, Downie AS, Moore CS, French SD. Current evidence for spinal X-ray use in the chiropractic profession: a narrative review. Chiropractic and Manual Therapies. 2018; 26(1):48.

Jenkins HJ, Moloney NA, French SD, Maher CG, Dear BF, Magnussen JS, Hancock MJ. Using behaviour change theory and preliminary testing to develop an implementation intervention to reduce imaging for low back pain. BMC health services research. 2018 Dec;18(1):734.

Jenkins HJ, Downie AS, Maher CG, Moloney NA, Magnussen JS, Hancock MJ. Imaging for low back pain: is clinical use consistent with guidelines? A systematic review and meta-analysis, The Spine Journal (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spinee.2018.05.004

Jenkins HJ. Awareness of radiographic guidelines for low back pain: a survey of Australian chiropractors. Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2016; 24:39.

Jenkins HJ, Hancock MJ, Maher CG, French SD, Magnussen JS. Understanding patient beliefs regarding the use of imaging in the management of low back pain. European Journal of Pain. 2016; 20(4):573-80.

Jenkins, H. J., Hancock, M. J., French, S. D., Maher, C. G., Engel, R. M., & Magnussen, J. S. (2015). Effectiveness of interventions designed to reduce the use of imaging for low-back pain: a systematic review. Canadian Medical Association Journal, cmaj-141183

Rudy, I. S., Poulos, A., Owen, L., Batters, A., Kieliszek, K., Willcox, J., & Jenkins, H. (2015). The correlation of radiographic findings and patient symptomatology in cervical degenerative joint disease: a cross-sectional study. Chiropractic & manual therapies, 23(1), 9.

Clijsters, M. Fronzoni, F. and Jenkins, H. (2014) Chiropractic treatment approaches for spinal musculoskeletal conditions: a cross-sectional survey Chiropractic & Manual Therapies, 22:33

Glover M, Kwasniewski R, Bull P and Jenkins H; The clinical significance of spina bifida occulta at C1: a case control study (2013); Chiropr J Aust 43: 29-32

Jenkins H, Zheng X and Bull P; Prevalence of congenital anomalies contraindicating spinal manipulative therapy in a chiropractic patient population (2010); Chiropr J Aust 40: 69-76

Jenkins H; Classification of low back pain (2002); Austral Chiropr Osteo 10(2): 91-8